Free range egg farm

160 Cumnock Rd, Tresco West VIC 3584, Australia
Name: Free range egg farm
Address: 160 Cumnock Rd, Tresco West VIC 3584, Australia
LGA/Council: Swan Hill Rural City Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 5036 2333
Summary: Free range egg farm is an chicken egg farm located in Tresco West, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2022
Listing ID: 5daa4
Capacity: 12,000
View on map: Farm Transparency Map
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"Free Range Egg Farm of twelve thousand birds. Set on twenty six acres the farm has  mains water.  With some farm gate sales ,the majority of eggs are largely sold to a supplier and then on into Melbourne .

The large free range shed has an excellent nesting system. In the egg packing room, the packing machine fills the two and one half dozen trays before they are  transferred into the cool room." - listed 




According to Anonymous submission on July 15th 2022, this operation is no longer in use.